CFRAM and ICPSS Flood Maps
The CFRAM Flood Maps available on this website were produced through the Catchment Flood Risk Assessment and Management (CFRAM) Programme and through other projects with the Local Authorities. They have been developed in accordance with the definition of the Flood Zones as set out in the Guidelines on the Planning System and Flood Risk Management (DHPLG/OPW, 2009). Guidance on the Flood Maps is available at and further information on the flood maps and the CFRAM Programme is available at . It is a condition of use of the Flood Maps on the map-viewer that you agree to be bound by the disclaimer and other terms and conditions for use of the Flood Maps .
The Irish Coastal Protection Strategy Study (ICPSS) is a national study that was commissioned in 2003 with the objective of providing information to support decision making about how best to manage risks associated with coastal flooding and coastal erosion. The Study was completed in 2013 and provides strategic current scenario and future scenario (up to 2100) coastal flood hazard maps and strategic coastal erosion maps for the national coastline. This major study provides invaluable and essential information required to inform policy in this area, particularly for local authorities in relation to the proper planning and development of coastal areas.